Often when contacting the agency our future clients are interested in what stages of resettlement to Germany we can be useful for, whether we act as a recruiting agency or just help to draw up necessary documents for applying for a visa at the embassy.
Read more about our activities and opportunities offered in this article.

Briefly about us: activities and services provided by us.

Blue Card Agency (BCA) is a team of experts that helps people who choose Germany for a future residence and employment. We are engaged in escort at all stages, which, one way or another, goes through a person who has decided on a change in the country of residence: from employment advice to full support during adaptation and integration in a country that is unknown for you.
All our workers have a German education, they reside in Germany and will give professional advice on any of your questions. We will analyze our cooperation at each stage of your immigration.


IIn the field of job search abroad there is a huge number of highly specialized firms that provide only notarial or consulting assistance in searching and finding job. Some of them accept an advance payment without giving any guarantee.
A distinctive feature of Blue Card Agency is its wide specialization and the ability to accompany the client at each stage. In addition, we do not take an advance payment and work for the result. We help German employers to find a qualified foreign specialist, and are interested in the quality of the work done by us.
We shall analyze in more detail each of the stages that a person who has chosen on a new country of residence must go through and indicate our participation in each of them.

Stage One: Reorientation

You can contact our agency as soon as you have an idea to immigrate. We will give the right advice on how to achieve the goal and to change the country of residence for any goals: marriage, family reunion, study, work.
Even before the job search process starts it is important to understand what you should start from and to prepare yourself for this stage especially carefully. Our career consultant (or Job Coach) will help you to find out:

• How to prepare for an interview
• What position to apply for
• What salary for this or that vacancy you should indicate in the resume
• How to prepare for an interview
• How to set up profiles in social networks

We understand that it is difficult for a person who has never been to the country to understand how this system works out and we build our work by keeping this in mind.
The basic stage of reorientation is very important and you can start a job search only when you have a resume, a motivation letter is drawn up, profiles in social networks are properly placed and you know how to get an interview.

Stage Two: Job Search

Here you will have to be patient, since even Germans may take about six months to find a job. It is important to connect all possible search channels and create a resume for each of the vacancies you have found (not one common for all of them). Each resume should indicate what exactly you can be useful to a particular employer. Sources of job search can be very different: services with vacancies from German employers, social networks, specialists of our agency – it is important to connect them at the same time by making the necessary number of correct CVs. Along with the search for suitable vacancies you should consider recognition of the diploma.
At this stage also arise a number of questions:

• Is the existing education suitable for the vacancy found?
• Is there a specialization indicated in your diploma in Germany?
• How and where to translate and recognize a diploma?

At the same time, it is important to know what language requirements exist by one or another employer. Often foreign applicants having the necessary specialization and a suitable diploma cannot pass an interview successfully as the level of their language knowledge does not meet the requirements stated.
Therefore, the time you spend on searching for a job, compiling and sending a resume should be used to improve language skills, and, if necessary, to certify the language. The coordination of all these actions will greatly accelerate the immigration procedure.
BCA career counselors and job seekers will assist you in organization of your activities. In addition, they will talk about nuances that you will not pay attention to just because of the lack of experience in finding job in another country.
So, when getting into agreement with the employer you need to check whether he is going to pay properly for the work done by you. It happens sometimes that German employers intend to pay less to foreign applicants but in this case this level of salary may not be enough to receive the Blue Card subsequently.

Stage Three: paperwork for submission to the visa center

There is another complex and lengthy process with its own nuances and not always pleasant surprises. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself by contacting consultants so as not to delay and do repeatedly the same actions.
The list indicated on the website of the embassy does not always indicate all the documents that will subsequently be required from you. If something from this list is framed incorrectly, if there are missing or not certified copies, if something is missing then you will have to restart the whole procedure. It is better to entrust this to specialists to reduce the time to fill out documents and take into account all the features.
You should also know that the time for a visit to the consulate must be reserved in advance: sometimes you have to wait for free terms for at least two months. It happens that a job is found and the employer waits for you in two weeks, and there is no appointment date at the consulate earlier than two months later. Therefore, to coordinate these processes and reduce the time for collecting and submitting documents you can also use the services rendered by our specialists.

Stage Four: Resettlement

Having completed successfully and quickly the first three stages you finally find yourself in a country new for you.
Where to spend the night? How to find an apartment? How big should it be? Which area is better to choose? These and many other questions will surely arise for you as soon as you begin hearing exclusively German speech around.
By using the services rendered by a local BCA agent you can figure out:

• What time is better to arrive
• How to go
• How long will it take to arrive for the first time
• What is needed there for the first time
• If it is possible to transport there my car

And, by the higher standards, you can get full support and answers to all your questions.

Stage Five: Integration

All the worries after resettlement at the time of the search for housing do not end there at all. You will have to become an almost full member of German society, and for this you will need:

• to register
• to take out insurance
• to register at the place of residence
• to get a tax number
• to open a bank account

It should be noted that all these processes are inextricably linked: to get insurance you need to register, for registration and registration you need to find housing, etc. Moreover, all these documents must be provided to the employer within two weeks after immigration. Agree that it will not be easy to do it by yourself and without proper knowledge of the language.
You will also need to resolve all organizational issues related to the family. Can everyone immigrate at once together? How to choose a kindergarten or a school for children? How long you will need to wait in line for a kindergarten (and it is scheduled for 2-3 years in advance)? How to make a payment for utilities?
You will also encounter such a feature as email communication: all communications on most issues take place there and, naturally, it will be done in German.
Taking into account all these difficulties an agency consultant will help you with a correspondence, as well as to fill out and draw up necessary documents at competent authorities, to accompany you and to act as a translator. In addition, he/she will help with language courses for a wife (husband) and with a selection of a family doctor.

Stage Six: Starting a Business

When all household and paper issues are settled, the life is set up and children go to a kindergarten or a school, you can think about starting your own business. This process is not easy even in the country where you were born, because it has a number of nuances, and in a new country it can drag out and a help might be required for that.
For this purpose our agency employs business consultants with a German economic education who can help not only with the opening of entrepreneurship, but also with the selection of premises for the office, the preparation of necessary documents, their translation into German and the choice of a sworn translator.
Blue Card Agency is a team of experts working on the principle “It’s easy with us! It’s easy with us! ”, As you will see for yourself if you only think about immigration to Germany. Remember that at any stage we will take care of all your worries and difficulties by simplifying the registration process as much as possible and approximating the moment of moving. We hope that with our assistance your adaptation and integration in the new country will be easier and comfortable, your job will become favorite and your new home will become a cozy one.