Umzug nach Deutschland: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Immigration
So sehr Sie sich den Umzug nach Deutschland auch vereinfachen wollen, um einige obligatorische Schritte kommen Sie nicht herum: Es gibt einen bestimmten Algorithmus der Aktionen, ohne die sich Ihre Einwanderung entweder verzögert oder gar nicht möglich ist. In diesem...
Verfahren zur Erlangung einer Blauen Karte in Deutschland
Wenn Sie sich bereits darüber informiert haben, was eine Blaue Karte ist und wer sie bekommen kann, und Sie sich definitiv entschieden haben, dass Deutschland das Land ist, in dem Sie leben und arbeiten möchten, dann bleibt nur noch eines zu tun: das Antragsverfahren...
Arbeiten in Deutschland: Erfahrungen und Ratschläge von Zuwanderern ein Jahr nach dem Umzug
Es spielt kaum eine Rolle, warum Sie sich für einen Umzug nach Deutschland entscheiden. Ob es sich nun um Ihren lang gehegten Traum, eine positive Erfahrung Ihres Freundes oder familiäre Umstände handelt, die Entscheidung ist bereits gefallen und Sie beginnen, sich...
Wer und wie kann man einen ständigen Wohnsitz in Deutschland erhalten?
Wie kann ein Ausländer ein unbefristetes Aufenthaltsrecht in Deutschland erhalten? Wie kann ein hochqualifizierter Spezialist einen ständigen Wohnsitz bekommen? Was sind die Besonderheiten bei der Erteilung einer unbefristeten Niederlassungserlaubnis für Kinder und...
Wie kann man während der Quarantänezeit ein Visum für Deutschland erhalten?
Aufgrund der Pandemie- und Quarantänesituation in der ganzen Welt haben viele Botschaften ihre üblichen Verfahren zur Ausstellung von Visa geändert. Deutschland ist da keine Ausnahme. Wer kann während dieses Zeitraums ein Visum beantragen? Wie lauten die Regeln und...
10 Konzepte zur Anerkennung der Ausbildung und zur Suche nach einem Arbeitgeber
Sie haben sich entschlossen, einen Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland zu finden und haben alle möglichen Blogs und Artikel gelesen und versuchen, sich selbst über die Anerkennung von Ausbildung und Beschäftigung zu informieren. Es gibt viele Informationen, aber noch mehr...
Recognition of Diploma for Skilled Workers
When planning a move to Germany and finding a job, people who have been educated in their home country will need to deal with the recognition of their diploma. Where to start, what documents are needed for this, where to apply - these and a number of other questions...
Driving License in Germany, Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Obtain It
A driving license is a document that either ‘arrives’ in Germany with you or is scheduled to be issued as a priority after you have moved. Immigrants inevitably have a number of questions about driving licenses. How and where to get it, what test to take if you...
How to Find a Job in Germany: The Social Network XING
In today's world, it's hard to imagine life without social media. We use them for entertainment and communication, learning, business development and sales, showing part of our lives and observing the lives of others. Social networks are constantly improving and have...
Peculiarities of obtaining German Citizenship
Many people who already live and work in Germany or are planning to move and integrate into German society, are thinking more or less about obtaining citizenship. What benefits does a German passport bring to an immigrant? What requirements must be fulfilled in order...
What Qualities Are Valued by Employers in Germany
Employment for foreigners in Germany involves several stages: both the preparatory process - collecting documents and looking for jobs - and the process of finding an employer, sending your CV and being interviewed. How not to miss a chance and get a job of your...
Education in Germany: Preparing for University after School
Choosing your future occupational area, just like choosing a place of study, is a big and important step in the life of any graduating student. What if you already know that you want to receive particularly a German education? How do you get to study at a German...
Relocation to Germany with Children under 18 Years Old
Moving to Germany is a difficult and often time-consuming process. In addition to finding a job and accommodation, you have to collect a huge number of documents, wait for an answer from the embassy and stay in a state of ‘relocation’ for several months or sometimes...
Relocation to Germany: Step-by-step Instructions on Immigration
No matter how much you want to simplify the process of moving to Germany, there are still some obligatory steps you cannot avoid: there is a certain algorithm of actions, without which your immigration will either be delayed or impossible at all. In this article, we...
The Procedure for Applying for a Blue Card in Germany
If you already have the necessary information about what a Blue Card is and to whom it can be issued, and you have definitely decided that Germany is the country where you would like to live and work, then there is only one thing left to do: start the application...
Work in Germany: Immigrants‘ Experiences and Pieces of Advice a Year after Their Move
It hardly matters what the reason is for your decision to move to Germany. Whether it is your long-held dream, a positive experience of your friend or family circumstances, the decision has been made and you begin to move towards your goal. It is not an easy path, nor...
To Whom and How a Permanent Residence Permit Can Be Granted in Germany
How can a foreigner obtain a right of Indefinite Leave to Remain in Germany? How can a highly qualified person obtain a permanent residence permit? What are the particularities of obtaining the permanent residence permit for children and spouses? The BCA will answer...
How to Get a Visa to Germany during the Isolation Period?
Due to the pandemic and quarantine situation around the world, many embassies have changed their usual visa procedures. Germany is not an exception. Who can apply for a visa during this period? What are the rules and conditions for issuing them? And can I consider...
Peculiarities of Online Learning
Online courses are becoming more and more popular. Anyone can enter for online courses of their interest and take various distance learning programs. This format allows a huge number of people who do not have enough time and money to get a higher education in the...
10 Concepts on Educational Recognition and Search of Employer
You have decided to find a job in Germany and have read every possible blog and article. You are trying to find out about recognition of education and employment on your own. There is a lot of information, but there are even more concepts that are new to you about the...
IТ-immigration to Germany
The Blue Card IT specialist is one of the most prestigious and sought-after professions in the whole world. Digital technologies are developing so rapidly that it contributes to the huge demand for skilled professionals in this industry. For example, a shortage of...
Relocation to Germany for a job: immigration options
You have already decided on further goals in life and you know for sure that you want to work in Germany. The choice of a country for immigration is obvious: a high level of economy, good roads, clean air, and confidence in the future is most important. To fulfil your...
FSJ Program: Social Year in Germany
FSJ Program: Social Year in Germany Not everyone knows about this volunteer program, but it will be very useful for young people who have not had time to decide on the direction of future activities, who take an active life position, and simply want to improve...
Agency assistance in finding Job in Germany
Often when contacting the agency our future clients are interested in what stages of resettlement to Germany we can be useful for, whether we act as a recruiting agency or just help to draw up necessary documents for applying for a visa at the embassy. Read more about...
Confirmation of a medical diploma
Employment in Germany: Recognition of Diplomas of Medical Professionals Having been educated in the countries of the former Union, many health professionals are thinking about resettlement to Germany. The country attracts with a high standard of living, a developed...
VISA for a freelancer
Today, representatives of many professions whether they are translators, writers, artists or programmers prefer to work as freelancers. This type of employment has several advantages: the ability to plan independently a work schedule, there is no connection to the...
Work and studies in Germany
When planning a move to Germany, you should consider all of your options: work, study and various programs. You can have your diploma confirmed and find a suitable employer, or you can build a path to your goal through a European education. But are universities only...
Ways to immigrate to Germany in 2019
Is it necessary to say that Germany is so amazing country in terms of opportunities for immigrants from the CIS countries? Each of us has heard about the highest standard of living, medicine, social security and safety. These and many other advantages provoked an...
German Immigration Act 2020
The Immigration Act was adopted by German government in June 2019 and that will come into force on March 1, 2020. Foreigners who are going to migrate shall have many questions related to this procedure: • Will be the procedure for recognizing diplomas simplified? •...
German Immigration Act 2020
FSJ Program: Social Year in Germany
Relocation to Germany for a job: immigration options
Einwanderung nach Deutschland
Eine hohe Lebensqualität und soziale Sicherheit in Deutschland sind schon seit einer langen Zeit zu einer allgemeinen und weltbekannten Tatsache geworden. Dieses Ereignis motiviert viele Ausländer, aus solchen Staaten wie Russland und Ukraine nach Deutschland...